Community Agreement

our philosophy

Who We Are

Balle Molle Queer Softball (BMQS) is a recreational softball league created by and for people from the 2SLGBTQIA+ communities of Montreal and surrounding areas.

Territorial Acknowledgement 

BMQS activities take place on unceded Indigenous lands known as Tiohtiá:ke for the Kanien’kehá:ka, Mooniyang for the Anishinaabeg, and Montréal.


BMQS was born out of the understanding that Queer people, particularly trans people, encounter multiple forms of discrimination, violence, and systemic obstacles in the world of sports. BMQS strives to create a welcoming, inclusive and safer space where individuals from 2SLGBTQIA+ communities can express themselves authentically, while enjoying the benefits of physical activity and camaraderie.


The BMQS league welcomes to its teams all people who identify as Queer and/or as part of the 2SLGBTQIA+ communities. We understand the term Queer broadly and inclusively as anyone who does not identify as cisgender-heterosexual. We deliberately choose to define this term by saying what it is not, in order to reflect its fluid and non-normative nature.


Our primary objectives are to foster community connections, build social support, and promote physical and mental well-being and resilience within Queer communities. Through softball, participants engage in a recreational sport, and can build meaningful relationships and support networks.

Fun and Competition

BMQS is an amateur sports league that emphasizes fun rather than athletic performance. All members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities are welcome, regardless of their level of physical or athletic ability. BMQS is committed to implementing accommodations that will allow greater access to our activities.

community agreement

As members of the BMQS community, we commit to creating an inclusive, respectful and fun environment for all. Understanding that Queer people are discriminated against, we choose to enact anti-oppressive values, and recognize that individual and collective work must be done to avoid reproducing these discriminations towards other marginalized  groups. We recognize that the work of deconstructing our internalized biases is an ongoing process. 

We stand in solidarity with all struggles against various forms of oppression, and encourage members’ involvement in the struggle for the liberation of all.

This Community Agreement is only a small piece of what we can do to ensure that everyone feels at home in the league. It’s important to note that the Community Agreement is not set in stone, but is open to improvements and suggestions.

Together, we agree to the following fundamental principles:

Community spaces are more meaningful for some people than for others. We take the time to think about our place in public spaces, to recognize the privileges we enjoy, and make sure to make space for others.

Gender diversity and sexual orientation

The term Queer encompasses a diversity of gender identities, sexual and romantic orientations, practices and interests. We do not take for granted that our marginal identities  make us allies for everyone. We commit to:

  • Respecting people’s pronouns: For example, not assuming people’s pronouns, using gender-neutral language or asking for people’s pronouns and respecting them.
    • Here’s a short guide to gender-neutral pronouns, for reference.
  • Using gender-neutral language: Using terms that are neither feminine nor masculine) when addressing people, avoiding using terms like “girls”,  “ladies”,  “guys”, “boys”). Using gender-neutral terms like “everyone”, “folks”, “people”, “the group”, “players”, etc.”
  • Avoiding discriminatory comments about people’s gender identity, gender expression, sexual/romantic orientation, or sexuality.


Racism is the differential treatment of people on the basis of their skin color, presumed ethnic origin or religious beliefs. Certain identities overlap, and racialized people are more likely to be marginalized, even in queer spaces. This league aims to be a space of solidarity, a safer space where no form of racism is tolerated. We prioritize an attitude of listening and empathy, and invite people to be sensitive to all forms of oppression, from the individual, to the local and global scale. We commit to:

  • Listening and learning: no one wants to see themselves as behaving in a racist way, but we certainly all still have biases to deconstruct, so we commit to taking feedback with openness rather than defensiveness.
  • Avoiding asking questions or making intrusive comments based on a person’s skin color, physical features, or religious symbols.
  • Avoiding “jokes” about social, racial, religious and/or ethnic background, whether this relates directly to an individual within the league, or to others.
  • Reflecting on the words we use, their weight and connotation. Recognizing that language conveys values, and has an impact.
  • Remaining attentive and sensitive to what others may experience on a daily basis, including in terms of racial discrimination. Not waiting for the impacted people to explain how certain behaviours and/or words are problematic or hurtful, but doing the work to examine and improve our behaviours individually and collectively.

Anti-ableism and neurodiversity

Anti-ableism is a stance that aims to eliminate all forms of discrimination against people with disabilities, whether physical or  cognitive, visible or invisible.

The league is open to all people identifying themselves as 2SLGBTQIA+ who want to play softball in a safer space, regardless of their physical, athletic or strategic abilities. To this end, BMQS is committed to making reasonable accommodations wherever possible to make the sport more accessible. We commit to:

  • Respecting our own limits and needs during games, practices, and beyond.
  • Respecting and listening to each other’s limits, without asking for justification or explanations.
  • Avoiding prejudging people’s abilities or limits: Bearing in mind that disabilities take different forms, both visible and less visible, and that individuals are the experts on their own situations.

Any attitude or comment that discriminates against disabled and/or neurodivergent people will not be tolerated.


Classism refers to the discrimination of individuals or groups on the basis of their real or assumed membership to a particular social class. Classism can be expressed, for example, by disparaging or mocking attitudes, behaviours and remarks towards people deemed poorer, less educated, etc. 

Classist attitudes, behaviours, and remarks will not be tolerated.

We recognize that communication can be difficult, especially in stressful situations, but we are committed to doing our best to communicate in a healthy and respectful way whenever possible. This includes:

  • Being kind to each other: Avoid shouting at, insulting, or pushing people.
  • Giving and receiving feedback in a positive way, i.e.:
    • Addressing the problem rather than the person, and being specific rather than general, for example: not “You’re making bad calls”, but “From my perspective, it looked like the ball was still in bounds”;
    • Speak from the “I” perspective, for example: not “you’re rude”, but “I found that comment hurtful;”
    • Avoiding making assumptions about the motivations or thoughts of others, and instead remaining curious and asking questions;
    • Remaining open to feedback, and taking the time to reflect on it rather than being reactive;
    • Working together to find solutions
  • Being as strict as possible with our own communication, and as generous as possible in our interpretation of  the communication of others.

We commit to following the rules and playing fairly. In addition, we commit to being considerate of other players, both on our team and in the league, respecting their skills, and encouraging a respectful and inclusive playing environment.

The purpose of the league is to strengthen relationships, not strain them! While winning can be exhilarating, we believe that having fun is more important. When in disagreement with a call or a decision, it’s fine to express the disagreement, but sometimes it’s necessary to simply let it go and continue enjoying the game, even if we feel the outcome should have been different.

We recognize that softball is a team game, and that our individual actions have an impact on the team as a whole. We commit to being present when we say we will be present, and to being on time and respectful of others’ time.

We commit to communicating honestly and in a timely manner about changes in plans, cancellations, delays, or anything else that may have an impact on the team or the league.

We commit to respecting the fact that some people may not want to be ‘out’, or may not want their images or information to be public, for various reasons. We agree not to post photos or information of members on social media or public platforms without their explicit consent.

We recognize that there is always room for improvement. Mistakes happen: let’s learn from them. We commit to being kind to one another, to being open to feedback, and to working together to make our league and our community as inclusive and safe as it can be.

Complaints and Greivances

Have you been hurt by a league member? Did something happen that you need support with? Has our Code of Conduct been breached? Let us know, we are here to help! Filling a complaint can feel scary. We are committed to handling all grievances with gentleness, privacy, and care for everyone involved.

The League has two formal complaint processes, and you are free to choose whichever avenue feels most comfortable for you. Both options are equally acceptable ways to handle any grievance.

Option 1 :   Go to a captain. This could be your captain, or the captain of another team. Captains are aware that they are part of the grievance process. Captains can either help you resolve the issue, or bring the complaint to the Grievance Committee on your behalf. Captains may also defer any complaints to the Grievance Committee if they do not feel capable of handling the issue themselves.

Option 2 :   Send an email to the Grievance Committee at the following email address: [adress will be available soon]. It will be received by the Grievance Committee, which consists of 5 members whose names will be published after the start of the season.

Whether filing a grievance through a captain or through an email, the content of your complaint should include the following:

  • What happened and who was involved (you can share what you are comfortable with)
  • What action you would like to be taken (e.g. No action needed yet but you want to record a history. You need support. You would like intervention to resolve the situation. You’d like a specific action to be taken.)

If you prefer, you can simply ask to meet one or more members of the Grievance Committee to explain the situation in person.

In any case, someone will be in touch with you to discuss the situation. 

Upon receiving a complaint, the Grievance Committee will convene to decide on the appropriate course of action. Each committee member must first ensure that they do not have a conflict of interest before proceeding. If they do, it is their obligation to withdraw from the process. The other committee members are also responsible for determining if any member of the group is in a conflict of interest.

Possible actions that may be taken by the committee include:

  • Meeting with all parties involved in an effort to find a solution. An extended group meeting (including some witnesses of the situation, for example) can be proposed to better understand the situation and find a suitable solution.
  • Writing a letter to the subject of the complaint, clearly explaining the problematic behaviour, the league’s expectations, and the conditions necessary for the person to remain welcome at BMQS activities.
  • Archiving the complaint confidentially. If the person accumulates numerous complaints, further measures may be implemented.

If the person who is the subject of the complaint repeats the behaviour, is subject to another kind of complaint, or fails to comply with the conditions laid out in the letter, the Committee may decide to exclude them from the league for the remainder of the season. We will not tolerate the behaviour of certain individuals undermining the presence of others.

Once the suspension/exclusion period has elapsed, the Committee will meet with the person if they wish to reintegrate into the league. Depending on the outcome of this meeting, the committee may decide to: (a) immediately reintegrate the person, (b) extend the suspension/expulsion, or (c) exclude the person from the league for an indefinite period.

Privacy :   All complaints will be kept private amongst the members of the Grievance Committee, unless explicit consent is given by the person making the complaint to disclose information to other parties. 

Timeline :   The committee is obliged to respond to the complaints as quickly as possible, within a maximum of two weeks of receipt. 

Suspension pending investigation :   At the discretion of the Grievance Committee, during extreme circumstances, subjects of complaints may be suspended from participation in BMQS activities while the committee investigates. A suspension pending investigation in no way implies guilt.

partnerships and sponsors

Each team is free to choose its own sponsors. However, we encourage you to consider partnerships with: 

  • Public or publicly-funded organizations;
  • Queer organizations;
  • Community organizations, etc.

We feel it is important not to collaborate with sponsors who reproduce forms of oppression against our communities. Total transparency about sponsors is essential, so any planned sponsorship should be discussed with the organizational committee. The organizational committee can be reached at